Get The Best Driveway Gate Design Ideas

Driveway Tree Gate

Driveway Entry Gates For Sale

Where to find and purchase your Driveway Entrance Gate

We are here to help . . .

Embarking on the journey of choosing a driveway gate is an exciting opportunity for homeowners, and there are many options to explore. Consider the following driveway gate design ideas and equip yourself with the knowledge to make a confident purchase decision.

When selecting a driveway entry gate, it's essential to consider the style and materials that will best complement the overall aesthetic of your property. You can choose from the classic elegance of a wrought iron gate, the rustic charm of a wooden gate, or the modern appeal of a sleek metal gate. It's also worth considering incorporating automated opening and closing technology for convenience and security. Exploring various options and considering practical aspects will help you choose a driveway gate for your property.

  • We understand that selecting a driveway gate is a personal decision. We respect your unique preferences and believe that the homeowner is the ultimate decision-maker in this process.
  • The ideas offered here aim to give you the information needed to choose the perfect driveway gate for your property.
  • N GA Fence Co. offers a wide range of driveway gates, each a testament to our craftsmanship, as shown throughout this website.
  • The World Wide Web is an excellent source for driveway gate suppliers. Below are several of the companies we have worked with. If you find a driveway gate at one of these sources, we encourage you to purchase directly from them.
  • Our role is to install the gate and add automation.
  • Receiving and transferring a large item like a driveway gate can be daunting. As part of our installation service, we are happy to meet the delivery truck and transfer the gate to the job site, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring a smooth installation process.
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    Driveway Gate Design Ideas and Suppliers:

    driveway gate design ideas


    ALEKO makes an excellent gate with many styles to choose from.  Top quality, well constructed, beautiful, and delivered directly to your home.

    Please do not buy the Aleko gate opener kit they offer. Only purchase a driveway gate if you find one you like. Aleko gates are fantastic, but the Aleko gate opener equipment does not meet the quality standard we strive for.

    Driveway Gate Ideas by Aleko :

    Single Swing Driveway Gate - Flat Top

    Flat Top Single Swing Driveway Gates

    18ft. $2800 at Aleko

    N GA Fence will make any size of this style.See Below

    Double Panel Swing Gate - Flat Top

    Flat Top Double Swing Driveway Gates

    12 ft. to 18 ft. - $2000 - $3000

    Wireless Keypad

    Horizontal Rail Design Driveway Gates

    This 6ft tall gate is available as a single or double.

    12', 14', 16', and 18' - $2000 - $2800

    Double swing driveway gate - modern design

    Modern Design Swing Driveway Gates

    Available as a Single or Double Gate.

    12 ft. to 16 ft. - $2200 - $3500

    Single Swing Arched Top Driveway Gates

    Arched Top Single Swing Driveway Gates

    12 ft. to 18 ft. - $1600 - $3500

    Arched Top Dual Swing Driveway Gate

    Arched Top Double Swing Driveway Gates

    12 ft. to 18 ft. - $2000 - $4000


    Are you looking for Custom Art and Wildlife driveway gate ideas? Then, you should check out JDR Metal Art Custom Driveway Gate Co.

    Extremely lovely folks who are happy to design anything you can imagine!

    Metal Art Horse Gate

    Wood Driveway Gate

    Custom Wood Driveway Gate Ideas :

    Gates to match any style fencing.

    Horizontal board privacy fence, walk gate, and drive gate

    Farm House Entry Gate

    4-board crossbuck wooden driveway gate

    North Georgia Fence made these wood farmhouse driveway gates with a steel reinforced frame to prevent twisting, sagging, and warping.

    If you are interested in this custom driveway gate idea, call us for pricing.

    4-board wood driveway gate
    Horizontal 4-board wood driveway gate
    Metal Gate Frame

    A steel frame is crucial for mounting motors and hinges on a wooden driveway gate. The frame also prevents warping, twisting, or sagging over time.

    Aussie Style Driveway Gate



    Timbers like these are available locally through Sisson in Blue Ridge, GA.

    Another JDR Metal Art custom gate creation

    Ornamental Steel Flat-Top Driveway Gate

    4' x 16' dual flat top ornamental steel drive gate.
    Stright Flat Top Metal Driveway Gate
    rectangular flat top driveway gate

    North Georgia Fence makes straight flat-top or extended-top U-frame-style metal driveway gates to fit any size opening.

    A 4 ft. or 5 ft. tall x 16 ft. wide double driveway gate, post, hinges, and post tops - installed (no automation included) will cost $2500.00

    Stright flat top dual leaf driveway gate
    straight extended top drive gate

    Ornamental Steel Arched Driveway Gate

    arched metal driveway gate

    This driveway gate is from the Versai Ornamental Steel Fence Series by Fortress Building Products. The double-arched gate, 4x4 steel gate post, posts caps, and hinges - cost $2800.00

    This gate is generally in stock and ready for immediate installation. Call for availability.



    How To Measure An Arched Driveway Gate

    The gate in the above example is a 5' x 6' x 16' double swing gate.

    Arched driveway gates are available in 4'x5', 5'x6', and 6'x7' heights and widths from 12 ft. to 16 ft.

    Driveway Entrance Gate with Pedestrian Walk Gate

    Farm Drive Gate

    solar powered farm drive gate

    Tubular-style farm gates make an excellent barrier to prevent trespass and keep livestock and pets safe at home.

    Rural Farm Gates are locally available at Tractor Supply.

    A Single Farm Gate with two 4-inch Steel Post, Hinges, and including Gate Opener Automation, installed - cost around $5500.00


    Gate Manufacturing Companies:


    ALEKO driveway gate ideas

    Aleko Building Products

    Aleko Building Products is a great online source for creative gate designs. We have installed many of this company's gates: easy online ordering and fast shipping. The gate is always well-packaged and arrives in good condition.


    Ideal Gate Co

    Ideal Custom Gate Company

    Ideal specializes in Aluminum Fabrication and has an easy-to-use website.

    JDR Metal Art

    Yes, the horse's steel silhouettes are built into the gate!
    Yes, the horse's steel silhouettes are built into the gate!

    JDR Metal Art Custom Driveway Gates

    Wildlife, Ranch, Tree, Custom.

    Steel and Aluminum


    Alumi Guard Gate

    Alumi-Guard Aluminum Estate Gates

    Another place to look for custom and stock driveway gates.


    Amazing Driveway Gate

    Amazing Gates

    All powder-coated steel posts and gates, no aluminum. Custom build or pick from stock items. Fast delivery.

    Gulf Coast

    Gulf Coast Gate Co

    Gulf Coast Gate

    The lady for whom I installed this company's gate said, "Gulf Coast Gate was straightforward to work with, and they delivered the gate to her within two weeks."


    Ultra Fence

    This driveway gate was designed using the "Design Studio App" courtesy of Ultra Fence.

    They manufacture Aluminum Fencing, Railing, and Aluminum Driveway Gates.

    Good quality and easy to order from.

    Design your dream gate:

    The "DESIGN STUDIO" online app allows you to build an aluminum driveway gate using standard industry options. Build your dream gate and save it to your computer for production.

    Before you purchase a driveway gate:

    Meet and Confirm:

    NGFC would like to meet with you at your job site to confirm the size and placement of your drive gate before you purchase it.

    Please call or text to schedule: 706-299-1047

    During the onsite survey, NGFC and the homeowner will decide if electricity needs to be run to the gate or if sufficient sunlight is available for solar-powered equipment.

    Decisions about access control will also be discussed, i.e., numeric keypads and audio/video communication devices.

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